A Kindergarten Graduation in the US
An Invitation
A Parent's Message to the Teachers - Patricia Adamo
It's amazing how much the children have learned. Many started the school years not knowing how
to read, or even recognize words. They have progressed from being read to by
their parents to now reading to their parents, to themselves, and to others. They are able to write and they could do some
early math. As parents, we had enjoyed
seeing their works on the hallways, their beautiful artwork, their interesting
projects, and their very first book report. We are grateful not only for what
they have learned, but how they have learned it. The teachers have provided a
warm, caring and nurturing environment that was a lot of fun. The kids enjoyed
learning and they enjoyed you as their teachers. I did get a chance to tack
with some of the students to get some feedback on what they thought about this past year. So I am going to share with
you some of their thoughts. When I asked them what they liked most about their
teacher, here is what some of them said:
"I like my teacher because she taught me reading."
"I like my teacher because she gave me fun work."
"I like my teacher because she took me to field
"I like my teacher because she gave me extra
Then I asked them what they learned the most.
One said, "I learned the most in math and
Another said, "I learned the most about animals."
And this one is my favorite, "I learned to work
Thank you again so much for a wonderful school year. You
have prepared our children well for next year.
Thank you.
A Reading from Luke 2: 41-52 - Rev. Luke Dundon, Parochial Vicar
What is Graduation? - Rev. Denis M. Donahue, Pastor
Immaculate Mary
Wind Beneath My Wings
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