A Lecture on Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse Gases: Lecture I Chem 002 Angel C. de Dios Chemistry of the Environment ( Greenhouse Effect ) "The Earth system follows laws which scientists strive to understand," said Dr. F. Sherwood Rowland, a Nobel laureate in chemistry. "The public deserves rational decisionmaking based on the best scientific advice about what is likely to happen, not what political entities might wish to happen." From: Preeminent Scientists Protest Bush Administration's Misuse of Science When I first added "Greenhouse Gases" as a topic in my General Chemistry, I shared with another Filipino American scientist the slides I prepared for that first lecture. This was back in 2008 and the following was his response. My son, Alexander, was two years old then. I took the following photos when he was just several months old. Yes, there are 13 questions in the next homework on Sapling. These are due a week from now, but I would like you to work on the firs...