A Study of Math Curricula in the United States
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. , has been providing research and data collection to guide public policies. One of its ongoing efforts is to evaluate Mathematics curricula in the early grades. In the United States, there are several curricula and in this specific study, Mathematica chose to examine four: (1) Investigations in Number, Data and Space, (2) Math Expressions, (3) Saxon Math, and (4) Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley Mathematics. A summary describing each of these curricula can be obtained from this link: http://www.mathcurriculastudy.com/Curricula%20Summaries.pdf The following are links to the websites of these four curricula: (1) Investigations in Number, Data and Space (2) Math Expressions (3) Saxon Math (4) Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley Mathematics Results of the study have been released to the public. These are described in the following link: http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/Newsroom/Releases/2010/MathStudyYr2_11_10.asp and the formal report which