What a Teacher Would Do to Teach Math and Science

In Southwest Washington, DC, a place plagued with problems common to poor neighborhoods, there is a school, Leckie Elementary School, where there is a teacher, Jerrie Hall, who finds creative ways of engaging third grade students into learning math and science. Hall creates special activities that require him to redesign the classroom. At one time, he changed his classroom into an emergency ward where students have to solve math and science problems in order to save patient Charlie Brown. This time, Hall made himself an ambassador from an alien civilization and his classroom into an alien planet. Kids from the southwest section of the nation's capital probably have yet to meet a real scientist. In fact, a lot of these children do not even know anyone who has gone to college. Hall makes a difference in these children's lives by showing them a world different from where they live, a world where there are possibilities and dreams. The following is a video from PBS highlighting math and science teacher Jerrie Hall:

As part of an ongoing web series, NewsHour profiles STEM teachers who have found innovative ways to teach their students about math and science.

Video by Rebecca Jacobson and Cindy Huang.
