Teachers Challenge President Benigno Aquino III to Fill-up Shortages in Inputs in Basic Education Next Year

by Act Phils
Press Release: July 7, 2012

According to Budget Secretary Butch Abad, the SONA is still a work in progress but noted that there are many accomplishments that the President can include in his annual address.

Budget Secretary Butch Abad said they intend to fill the need for classrooms and teachers by the end of 2013. He said he is proposing that government hire 61,000 teachers next year and build 27,000 more classrooms.

“He must consider and take a look at Alliance of Concerned Teachers’ data regarding shortages before he finalizes the budget on education,” Mr. Benjie Valbuena , Vice-president of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) said.

Universal Kindergarten alone needs the following budget -


Kindergarten enrollees SY 2012-2013 (According to DepED pronouncement) - 1.73 M
Number of students per class based on Universal Kindergarten Law - 25 ( UK Law)

Kindergarten class SY 2012-2013
(SY 2012-2013 enrollees divided by number of students per class based on UK Law) - 69,000

Allowable session (with 25 student per session)per teacher based on UK Law - 2
see photo below for data

“Abad’s initial announcement is far below the desired figures to cover the shortages in basic education. Since they have declared that we are capable of lending to the IMF, he should know his priorities by now – the well being of the Filipino people,” Mr.Benjie Valbuena stressed.#####
