"This Is A Sad Day For Philippine Basic Education"

Only 8 members (mostly members of the Makabayan Coalition) of the Philippine House of Representatives voiced their opposition to DepEd's K to 12. With the approval of K to 12 by the House, the bill is now in front of the Senate. Judging from the overwhelming support of Congressmen, it is highly likely that the bill will likewise breeze through the Senate.

This blog shares some of the sentiments of the eight representatives of the Philippine people who opposed K to 12. Their reasons, which range from a lack of prioritization and false promises to a dearth of research evidence, are some of the important points that have been raised in this blog. It is therefore clear that the proposed DepEd K to 12 curriculum does not really address problems currently faced by basic education in the Philippines. Since K to 12 does not offer the solutions, this blog will continue to share information, resources and perspectives on how to improve Philippine basic education.

Since May of this year, there are now more than two hundred and fifty articles posted in this blog. The sidebar on the right of this blog shows labels (categories) of the articles that have been posted:


Education reform requires broad participation from all stakeholders. It is hoped that this blog continues to keep basic education alive in public discussions. So, far, for the past seven months, readership of this blog has been averaging about 500 views per day. The following is a current snapshot of the viewing statistics of this blog:

The materials presented in this blog come from a variety of sources. And I am very grateful to those who have given me permission to copy and post. My firm hope is that as we help inform ourselves, we will become more aware of public school education. This awareness will assist us as we contribute to society's discussions on how to prepare and help its youngest citizens. I hope we continue to engage. We should not stop looking for what works with education. We must not stop aspiring for a better Philippine basic education.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all.
