"80% of Filipino children do not know what they should know"

A failing basic educational system in the Philippines is no secret. International assessments clearly demonstrate this dire situation. Even the Philippines own national achievement test points to the fact that the educational system has worsened. A report from the World Bank is not really necessary to highlight this predicament. What is plainly imperative is for the Philippines administration to admit its dismal performance.

Above copied from the Manila Times

An educational system should be guided by science, by research, by assessments. Unfortunately, as in other fields of endeavor, there are charlatans. In addition, there are interests. The delivery of basic education, after all, is a giant enterprise. Thus, even when facts are clear, considerations outside of research become paramount. Thus, after the World Bank reports that "80% of Filipino children do not know what they should know", we see the following:

Above copied from the World Bank

Honestly, there are really no additional inputs. The pandemic that is still plaguing educational systems around the world has only made things worse in Philippine basic education. What the World Bank needs to apologize for is not reporting on this a lot sooner.
