Advanced Academic Programs Hurt Basic Education

The Nation's Report Card actually provides strong evidence against advanced academic programs. In a post on this blog a year ago, "Gaps Are Increasing in the Nation's Report Card", a troubling trend has become evident, low achieving students are scoring even lower over the years. Well, the 2019 results are now available and the scores are sadly continuing with this trend. And the reason behind this trend maybe simple: Schools are providing two different curricula - and the instruction depends on whether the student is deemed low-achieving or high-achieving. This outcome should not come as a surprise since this is what happens with ability-grouping in basic education. It benefits no one but harms students who are struggling.

Above copied from
The Nation's Report Card (NAEP 8th Grade Reading Scores)

This time, I will not be citing a cartoon nor a comic strip, but a study done by the National Center for Education Statistics.

Above copied from
Education Week

And below are directly copied from the report:

With these in mind, it now makes sense why parents try their best to have their children considered higher-performing by their schools. What does not make sense is why schools are providing different curricula.
